Trajectory Optimization of Drifting Motions of Wheeled-Legged Robots

Only the starting point and a desired goal location and orientation of the robot are given and the solver generates smooth drifting motions including the shift of the base and all the other joints that are necessary to achieve this physically feasible drift. This work is based on towr (a trajectory optimizer for walking robots (paper)), that was extended in order to perform drifting motions with wheeled-legged robots.

Generated Drifting Motion Example


The easiest way to install is through the ROS binaries:

sudo apt-get install ros-<ros-distro>-towr-ros

In case these don’t yet exist for your distro, there are two ways to build this code from source:

Building with CMake

Building with catkin

We provide a ROS-wrapper for the pure cmake towr library, which adds a keyboard interface to modify goal state and motion types as well as visualizes the produces motions plans in rviz using xpp.


Launch the program using

  roslaunch towr_ros towr_ros.launch  # debug:=true  (to debug with gdb)

Click in the xterm terminal and hit ‘o’.

Information about how to tune the paramters can be found here.


Library overview


A light-weight and extensible C++ library for trajectory optimization for legged robots.

Build Status Documentation ROS hosting CodeFactor License BSD-3-Clause

A base-set of variables, costs and constraints that can be combined and extended to formulate trajectory optimization problems for legged systems. These implementations have been used to generate a variety of motions such as monoped hopping, biped walking, or a complete quadruped trotting cycle, while optimizing over the gait and step durations in less than 100ms (paper).

:heavy_check_mark: Inuitive and efficient formulation of variables, cost and constraints using Eigen.
:heavy_check_mark: ifopt enables using the high-performance solvers Ipopt and Snopt.
:heavy_check_mark: Elegant rviz visualization of motion plans using xpp.
:heavy_check_mark: ROS/catkin integration (optional).
:heavy_check_mark: Light-weight (~6k lines of code) makes it easy to use and extend.


Problem formulation

Add your own variables, costs and constraints

Add your own robot


We love pull request, whether its new constraint formulations, additional robot models, bug fixes, unit tests or updating the documentation. Please have a look at for more information.
See here the list of contributors who participated in this project.


All publications underlying this code can be found here. The core paper is:

  author    = {Winkler, Alexander W and Bellicoso, Dario C and 
               Hutter, Marco and Buchli, Jonas},
  title     = {Gait and Trajectory Optimization for Legged Systems 
               through Phase-based End-Effector Parameterization},
  journal   = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)},
  year      = {2018},
  month     = {July},
  pages     = {1560-1567},
  volume    = {3},
  doi       = {10.1109/LRA.2018.2798285},

A broader overview of the topic of Trajectory optimization and derivation of the Single-Rigid-Body Dynamics model used in this work: DOI 10.3929/ethz-b-000272432


Alexander W. Winkler - Initial Work/Maintainer

The work was carried out at the following institutions: